Electronic Engineering
What is Electronic Engineering?
In simple terms, electronic engineering means using electronics to create or improve products. Electronics engineers may work on components, systems, or devices that use electricity. They may also work on projects such as aircraft navigation systems, medical imaging equipment, and GPS devices. Electronic engineers may work in a variety of industries, including telecommunications, automotive, aerospace, and manufacturing.
Electronic engineering fields
There are many different types of electronic engineering, but some common fields include:
- Digital/Analog Communication
- Satellite Communication
- Antenna and wave progression
- Microwave
- Telecommunications
- Robotics
- Embedded systems
- Programmable logic
Computer Application
- Computer hardware
Basic Electronics
- Consumer Electronics
- Arduino
- Microprocessor
- Integrated Circuit
- Logic Circuit
“To become an internationally recognized University that nurtures brilliant technicians and engineers who apply best practices in engineering education, research and knowledge and help the community” is the vision of Technological University (Toungoo).
“To train students systematically to become skilled engineers, technicians and researchers who innovate well in the community in accordance with ethics”
“To train students in order to emerge brilliant engineers who keep pace with current leadership qualities and accept the realistic view”
“To become the active and alert citizens with continual learning in their respective fields”
Graduate Attributes (GAs)